Monday, May 6, 2024

🌻 May 2024: Activity, Advice, Aging and More

📣 Update from last month's "big news"... I'm halfway through the creation of a video training series that I have been asked by Madecraft to make for them this spring on how to provide encouraging and empowering #leadership and #management to #GenZ employees! 🎉 I will keep you posted on when and where it will be released -- some time this summer. So excited for this new opportunity.

Other than that, I just finished teaching an internship course with a fantastic group of 14 undergrads. This year marks 40 years that I have worked with students. That feels equally gratifying... and terrifying! A mental slide show of decades of former students and interns are scrolling through my head right now and I am warmed by the (mostly!) delightful memories.

Certainly, while I am humbled by the extent of my past experiences, I am also anxious to stay continuously current and aware of what is happening right now and in the near future. That is especially why I am excited about the upcoming video training course I am making. And also about the resources I get to share with you each month here. Enjoy!

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𝟏:𝟏 How to Maximize Impact with Manager One-on-One MeetingsThis is a surprisingly good article on how #managers can #maximize impact in their in their #1on1s. It's not a reductive, 5-bullet-and-buh-bye set of obvious tips. It gets in the weeds. I recommend it. Nice work, #Lattice

🏃🏽‍➡️ Don’t Underestimate the Power of Small Breaks During a Busy WorkdayAs someone who spends the majority of my day seated (or occasionally standing) at my desk, this was helpful. I’m trying to do little “exercise snacks” too.

🥱 🥳 Languishing vs Flourishing: where do you fit? Perhaps you've heard these two terms more often recently: #languishing and #flourishing. We may think we know what they mean, but this article (a mere 5-minute read) really breaks them both down and made me do some reflecting. It does a good job contrasting #mentalillness with #mentalhealth.

📜 101 more pieces of life advice. Try reviewing one suggestion from this list every day and let it prompt some reflection. I’m humbled by this one: “Multitasking is a myth. Don’t text while walking, running, biking or driving. Nobody will miss you if you just stop for a minute.”

🎵 "When I'm 64..." OK, maybe turning 63 this year has gotten my attention a teeny bit more when it comes to the future? But WOW, these articles are worth paying attention to, both personally and professionally, when it comes to those 65 and older. This is a speed round of links with little to no commentary - don't skip any of them because each one offers new insights:

Final Thought.
"Don’t ever be ashamed of loving the strange things that make your weird little heart happy." — Elizabeth Gilbert

Thanks for reading... please pass this page along to friends, family and coworkers. And reach out with questions and comments at Cheers!


Hearty Bread for the Whole Journey? aka, "What's with the vague subtitle?"

If you have sat through (endured? enjoyed?) one of my Strengths Finder presentations, you know that I often refer back to my life as an eter...