Monday, June 4, 2018

Grab Bag for June 4, 2018

Between a ten-day trip to Hawaii for vacation (yes, we stayed in Volcanoes National Park, despite the craziness going on with Kilauea!) and a three-day speaking gig in Wisconsin, I have neglected this blog ever so slightly. Yet have no fear, I've continued to find a bunch of different resources, and I want to share a few with you. Buckle up!

Starting Salaries for 2018 grads. YOWZA! Here's some fascinating news from CNN Money. Things are looking up for current grads. I'll admit to some jealousy... when I graduated from college, interest rates were at 21% and my starting salary was not anywhere near today's levels. Then again, there was also no internet or cell phones... and I walked uphill, barefoot in the snow, both ways, to work....

Books That Bill Gates is Reading This Summer. I'm a complete sucker for these sorts of lists. I am also a passionate reader. Two books I just finished that I would recommend are Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover (I think I basically ready this in 24 hours... I could not put it down!) and Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown. I'm hoping to read The Art of the Memoir by Mary Karr and The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James Cone this summer. Tell me what books you are reading!

When Work Takes Over Your Life. I am not wild about Adam Grant's voice (OK, I'm picky), but I really enjoy this podcast. This particular episode was very good, and I have recommended it to several clients. Another podcast I would recommend: Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell. Nerd heaven.

Enterprise vs Entrepreneurial Leaders. I found this article to be really enlightening. I love helping people figure out their gifts and style of leadership. This one shed some new light on the subject.

How Compassion Can Make Your More Successful. Yep, I hate the title of this article. But the content is helpful. Think of it as another way to frame the value of team-building and emotional intelligence. Oh yeah - that's another book I'm reading: HBR's 10 Must-Reads on Emotional Intelligence. [Dork Alert!!]

Despite my slight cynicism over that last article's title, I'll end with this. Humbling and moving.

“To be a conscious person in this world, to be aware of all the suffering and the beauty, means to have your heart broken over and over again.”

-Sharon Salzberg

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