Monday, August 27, 2018

#ENDOFSUMMER Bits and Pieces

I feel like I just woke up from a bad dream... WHERE DID SUMMER GO?! In the blink of an eye I
feel like I went from eating grilled foods and nicely chilled drinks during lazy dinners on the porch to booking work projects in October and talking about Thanksgiving plans. YEEESH!

Despite my remorse and woulda-shoulda-coulda thoughts about those things I never got to despite well-laid plans, I still read and listened to some great stuff this summer that I want to pass along. I'm not sure there's a consistent thread running throughout these bits and pieces, but suffice it to say, they are ALL GOOD.

7 Ways to Show Emotional Intelligence During Job Interviews. This article is valuable in both directions... it certainly gives valuable tips to job seekers, but WOW is it a good list to keep in mind if you are interviewing candidates. I like this line regarding active listening: "Don’t give in to the urge that you have to answer the question immediately. Interviewers are looking for a thoughtful response, instead of an immediate one that indicates that you are giving them an answer that you have rehearsed."

How to Beat Mid-Career Malaise. I'd be lying if I said I never talk about this issue with clients. Let's be honest: MID-LIFE CRISIS IS A THING. It's not a Hallmark-card-made-up-problem, people. The struggle is real. I sure faced it about ten years ago and it really caught me by surprise. I especially like this article because when I finished it I thought to myself, "I wish I'd read this in 2009." Take the time to read through this slowly, perhaps with pen and journal in hand. The Do's and Don'ts at the end, along with the case studies, are very helpful. Don't skip this one.

Millennial Myths. OnPoint Radio, a reliable and often interesting podcast, offered a good discussion on many of the myths surrounding Millennials, inviting them to call in. This is an enlightening and helpful conversation.

Prioritizing: The Fine Art of Swapping. I would venture to say that I talk about productivity and prioritization with nearly every client. The opening lines of this article capture the anxiety I hear with nearly everyone: "Does your stomach start churning when you survey the avalanche of work waiting for you? Perhaps you let out a defeated sigh that first time you check your email each morning or power up your phone after a long flight. What are your most natural reactions to being overwhelmed? Irritable? Short-tempered? Intense? Withdrawn? Focused? Competitive? Retreat?" Take a breath and read through this to see if it offers any new ideas or tweaks.

Let me know if it might help to schedule a time to talk through any of these issues... or plenty of others! Ciao for now.

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