Sunday, March 31, 2019

Board Development, Binge Listening and the Benefits of Nature: April 2019

March has been a grab bag of projects and travels:

  • several Strengths Finder presentations in person (in Pasadena, CA; Dallas, TX; Santa Barbara, CA and online (in Sarajevo, Bosnia and with online students throughout CA);
  • a workshop presentation on careers in the non-profit sector at a conference in Costa Mesa;
  • ongoing coaching and consulting (via video calls) with clients in Seattle, Washington DC, Chicago, San Diego, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Bangkok, and Boise.
Best of all, I squeezed in a 4-day trip to Yosemite! I've included a photo I took at Tunnel View. It simply NEVER disappoints!

Perhaps I am jumping the gun in posting this on March 31 as an April edition , but I could not wait any longer. There is some great stuff here! Enjoy.

The one thing missing from your board of directors — and why it matters. A colleague introduced me to some great resources from MIT's Sloan School of Business. Bookmark it - it provides some great "mental floss." This article in particular reminded me once again how crucial it is to be strategic with whom you bring onto your board.

The Dropout Podcast. I might be a tad late to this party, but I binge listened to all six episodes while I was on a long walk/hike in Yosemite (and finished with my feet up in front of a fireplace at the Ahwahnee Hotel....... yesssss!). It tells the story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. Equal parts fascinating, horrifying, and deeply troubling. But it was like a car accident... I couldn't turn away my attention.

You Spend 5% of Your Day Outside: Try Making it More. Speaking of Yosemite (I'm gloating, I know), here's a reminder (as if we need it!) of the value of being outside. Now that spring has sprung, let's do it! Favorite quote: "Kids in Finland, who have the highest test scores in the world, get 15 minutes of recess for every 45 minutes of class time. And the teachers are like, well, duh, of course we do that. Because otherwise the kids can’t pay attention and can’t sit still." Brilliant.

Just in case you gloss over the reminder to get outside... This next article was actually enlightening: Four physical signs of stress you shouldn’t ignore. I assumed I could name all four signs, but #1 surprised me. Check out the entire article. It only takes 4 minutes to read.

Wise words from John Muir (with another photo from my trip!):
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.

Read more at:

Thanks for reading ~ please invite others to check out these articles and view other posts on this site. And send me feedback at Ciao!

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