Thursday, March 29, 2018

Podcasts Post No. 3: Nurturing Organizational Culture

This episode is a bit of a conundrum: it is posted in a series for church pastors on faith & leadership, but it offers a TREMENDOUS description on how to integrate core values in an organization in a way that fosters empowerment and enthusiasm. I felt like I was sitting in on a C-suite meeting at Jet Blue! I could not take notes fast enough as I listened. If you're looking for ideas as to how to connect your employees to your mission at a deep and memorable level, listen to this.

IF you're not interested in the church implications, begin the podcast at 2:20 minutes, and you can end it around the 30 minute mark. Tune in to Episode 8: Marty St. George on nurturing organizational culture at JetBlue. Tell me what you think!

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