Thursday, April 5, 2018

Podcasts Posts No. 4: Building Trust

So far I've shared podcasts on how to nurture organizational culture, how to push through roadblocks to creativity, and how to support one another through immense personal challenge. Together these give you a small sense of the variety of podcasts I listen to... but really, we're just getting started. I have 35 different podcasts I regularly check. Should I admit that?

Ignoring my own nerdy addictions... on to today's podcast. Despite its title ("WorkLife with Adam Grant"), this episode is pertinent to everyone. The title is How Astronauts Build Trust. Early on, they give a few examples of where we rely on trust: agreeing to a friend's pick for a restaurant, letting someone else drive, picking your next job, flying in an airplane... you get the picture.

The main premise of this podcast is that the best way to build trust is by going through stress together. The host Adam Grant puts it this way:
"Stress doesn't just teach us about each other; it also forces us to be vulnerable together."
As one of his interviewees states, "If we're vulnerable together, we're gonna get CLOSE. We're gonna trust each other. We're gonna cooperate; we're gonna have cohesion."

I don't want to give more away. Just check it out. We all need to build trust, whether it's in the workplace or with those closest to us. We all need to solve hard problems with others at different points in our lives, in different contexts. Listen here to gain some pithy insights.

P.S. If you want to keep digging in to what it means to build trust.... REAL trust... this is my go-to resource: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni.

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