Thursday, April 12, 2018

Update on Podcasts Post No. 4: Astronauts Are Awesome!

Last week I wrote about an excellent podcast I'd recently listened to on how to built trust on teams. And they profiled space programs as exemplars of this approach.

I'm happy to report that a client reached out to me after reading my post and listening to the podcast. See his brief comments below... and see his example as an invitation from me to do the same. I would LOVE to give profile to your experiences with anything I talk about here. Thanks for reading and collaborating! See his feedback below.

Okay, this podcast was AWESOME!  I’ve always been fascinated by space, so listening to any podcast where astronauts share their experiences is a lot of fun.
And trust is something near and dear to my heart as well.  Combine the two and it’s a perfect podcast.

Over the years, I’ve experienced great team building activities and horrible team building.  I think this podcast nailed it on the head.  When leaders or team members are vulnerable first, it is a catalyst to build trust. 
My philosophy has always been to combine team building exercises into fun, crazy group activities along with time of sharing from the heart. 

I’ve forwarded this podcast on to my key team leads and challenged them to think of how we can improve building trust among our teams.  I’ll follow up with them later this month to see what ideas they come up with.  Should be interesting to hear from them - they bring a wide span of gifts to their leadership.  I love my job! Thanks for sharing.

Again, feel free to let me know your thoughts on the resources I share here. You don't have to work alone.

I'll end with my favorite quote from this week ~ it was shared at a roundtable I participated in earlier this week. Cheers!
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” 
― R. Buckminster Fuller

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