Thursday, May 3, 2018

Lighter Fare 5-3-18

I'm on vacation and enjoying some relaxing reading. Here are two great diversions for you:

Meet Elsie Eiler, the only resident of Monowi, Nebraska. DO NOT MISS this brief BBC Travel documentary about a woman who is the sole resident, mayor, city manager of Monowi, NE. Having done two different projects in small towns (under 10,000) in the Midwest this year, I have spent some time in small-town America. It is another world to me and important for me to keep in mind as I think about our country. It's great storytelling too.

Salvation Army is Opening Cheap Grocery Stores in America's Food Deserts. I'm actively involved in a very under-served neighborhood in my town, where there is only one grocery store for the poorest residents. Such conditions are loosely defined as "food deserts." What does that look like? As for the one I'm familiar with, one entire wall is completely filled with alcohol, prices are predatory, and some products are purchased at Costco and then illegally divided and resold. Thus I was encouraged by the Salvation Army's efforts to address this problem in another state through this experiment. I hope the idea takes hold elsewhere!

Feel free to share other encouraging and interesting stories for posting here.

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